The Millennium Wolves (The Millennium Wolves, #1) (2024)


62 reviews

Shelved as 'dnf'

May 22, 2019

great story, but I need to end it for now and wait until it is traditionally published... this Galatea app isn't working for me. it ruins the whole experience... I would invest money, but the money I would have to spend to read the whole book equals easily 4-6 ebooks I could buy instead... so sadly I must shelf it as dnf -> due to this ridiculous app

Sandra Hummel

63 reviews4 followers

September 9, 2021

Well I try to read this story to be honest I like it so I upload the Galatea app.
But I hate it to have to wait every time before you can read a new episode. And to buy the point and read with them is for my opinion very very expensive.
I prefer to read a story all at once and just buy a book or a epub book so I can read it when I want. not very very small parts every day.
Sorry not for me this expensive Galetea app. I feel sad that this writer had it done this way and not by a normal publisher.



37 reviews6 followers

April 22, 2021

God himself could not do enough to get me to read the rest of this series, or the rest of this author’s work.

The spelling and grammar were terrible, I have to assume this was written with her eyes closed, and spell check off - there is no feasible way auto correct (even on an iPhone) wouldn’t catch at least some of these errors.

The plot can be summed up in one word : rushed. They meet, almost immediately he bites her, then they’re dry humping and she hates him, but then she loves him, then bam they’re “mated” story over all other subplots are forgotten. Her constant angst about having sex with him? One session of dry humping and it doesn’t matter. Her worry over her dead friend Emily? One trip on a Ferris wheel, and one “panty dropping look” and it doesn’t matter. The whole big to-do about the millennium wolves showing up? She runs off and has a cry about her relationship - it doesn’t matter.

There are not enough words to describe exactly how bad the sex scenes are. The words used to describe the characters' anatomy constantly change from dick to co*ck, and puss* to c*nt making each sex scene jarring. Not to mention the moment where the word boob is actually used, in the middle of a sex scene, in a book, for adults. Yeah. When the two lovers finally do have sex we get treated to him just ramming it right in there, and in the heat of the moment she describes him as ‘going so deep she can feel him touching her womb’. But to top it all off, almost every sex scene reads a bit like sexual assault as she always tells him to stop and get off her, and some even have her crying!

But wait there’s more! The book doesn’t just stop at hints of sexual assault, it actually gives us an attempted rape scene that serves no actual purpose other than to push forward the romance. It happens, she’s saved halfway through, she has a cry about it and then the next day is fine, it’s never brought up, or discussed again (except for her to think how great of a guy her lover is because he saved her from it). But wait there’s more! Get ready for some casual racism as the main character describes any POC she comes across. Like someone’s girlfriend she describes as being “black, short and round, with wild dark locks and big, dark eyes. She was the ultimate African-American mama-bear.” Not to mention moments of casual ableism and slu*t-shaming.

Overall this book is a garbage fire, and there is no amount of post-release editing in the world that could save it.

    paranormal-romance romance would-not-rec

Sandy Kennedy

1 review


July 25, 2021

I can't find this book any where! It's way too expensive to read it on Galatea



1 review1 follower

June 30, 2021

Will we ever see it come to paper back? If it’s making so much money why can’t they make it available for everyone to purchase and read at their own leisure with out going through the sight. A lot of details are left out that the writer originally wrote. It gives you a movie vibe not a novel that most readers crave! I fell like I read on the sight at snail speed because I know it most likely will only be equivalent to a page long I’m getting in a regular books chapter. How many more years should the authentic readers endure?

Jessica L Fox

9 reviews4 followers

November 26, 2019

I'm not sure if the author even comes here because she has probably heard this many times. First off, I hope that your share of the profits from Galatea is substantial enough to cover your schooling (I read about that in an article). The platform realized the blurb for your book would hook people in and the writing is actually good! It's no surprise your book is one of the top sellers and the profits for the app from this book alone is over $1 million! You made the app worth the creators time. However, the fact that readers get maybe a 1/4 of a chapter each day is frustrating. To read the entire book, I would either need to pay over $60 or wait 180 days. I cringed at the idea of paying $60 for a college textbook years ago and would never pay it for a fiction book unless it is a rare book. When I get a new phone in a few weeks, I will lose the chapters I have unless I keep reading it on my old phone. It's kind of ridiculous. Please consider publishing your books via Amazon or another platform. Galatea hooked us in and I think you'll find people will actually google you to find your book elsewhere if you publish.

Gina Montoya

228 reviews

March 7, 2021

The main character is so freaking annoying she has a superiority complex so she keeps things from everyone makes a bigger mess. This wolf is bipolar her mood swings gave me whiplash.
The second book starts at the end of the first and it is just as annoying from the start ugh.


1 review

July 14, 2019

The story line of this book is cute but I'm. A little frustrated with the fact that I have to wait to continue to read it or pay out the ass. I tried reading it everywhere it says I can just to be redirected to galeta


94 reviews3 followers

June 1, 2020

I enjoyed reading this book but I'm not a fan of the format of reading this book. Your only allowed to read one chapter per day, literally 1 in a 24 hour period. You can skip ahead if you buy points. The amount of points needed to download each book to me, doesn't seem worth it. The book series is available through the Galatea app. I wish I could read the series like other book series, all available at once either digital or hard copy.


140 reviews2 followers

June 20, 2021

Okay, so this is my take on the series, and yes this is a series it’s not a standalone book. Sapir Englard, has a REAL winner here and Galatea knows it! She now just has to finish the story, and based off some of the other reviews I’ve read it was finished. Yet, now the site or the author is working on improving it, because after chapter 2, I’m told more will be out after May 28th 2021. We’re clearly past that date, but I understand decent work takes time. 👌🏾After all, I want her story to be its best…..

So now let me get into the actual characters in the story. So for the hero, Aiden, he’s your typical, hot; not just an alpha personality wise, but an actual alpha in a werewolf pack; he’s sweet, traditional, and stubborn. I don’t want to give too much away but as an alpha he must find his mate or lose his powers. In comes the lovely and talented beautifully artistic heroine Sienna. She’s there to not only drive him crazy as the Virgin who won’t mate with him until she’s sure he’s her mate, but she has some demons from her past that’s stopping that from happening. The chemistry between these two is off the charts. Also, there’s a mysterious character that keeps coming around questioning different things about the already questionable people in Sienna and Aidens lives…..There’s some interesting plots, characters, and a real storyline that makes me want to know more.

That’s where the question of Galatea comes in to play, and the fact that they want you to either buy coins, or a monthly, or yearly subscription. However their books are not bad and you may find another story that you want to get into……

As for the audiobooks version, sorry but it’s terrible!!!!😫😫😡😤I never thought two people could over exaggerate and be so bland at the same time. Now I really only got a chance to listen to the main characters before my bleeding ears couldn’t take it anymore! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️I wanted to yell please make them stop their massacring a Great story……

I’ll be waiting for them to either open up some more of the story…. Or for her to publish elsewhere…So far it’s awesome, just not the audiobook version…Sorry…..


181 reviews

January 25, 2022

Well, this is quite the gimmick. This “book” is only available on Galatea, which is an app where you either pay for a full year or you pay for points. It was advertised on FB and, as I was in avoidance mode, decided to give it a go. I was able to read several pages and then wham, you either have to wait 5+ hours for the next 3-page instalment (aka “chapter”) or pay up. I bought some points to buy chapters before I realized how short a chapter actually is.

Anyway, I’m not even sure I fully finished this book. When I looked at the chapter list, there were 6 books and I’d gotten to the start of “book” 3.

I decided to not be parted from anymore of my money as 1/ it’s ridiculously expensive for what you get and 2/ what you get wasn’t worth my time.

Elizabeth Duenweg

12 reviews2 followers

August 8, 2019

Let’s just start off by saying this book is utter trash! Like in a dumpster on fire trash! If we could put aside the plot for just one moment and focus on the actual writing. It’s littered with grammatical errors, run on sentences and very odd dialogue. Also there must be a quota on how often this author needs to use the word “wickedly”.
As far as the plot goes.... well there really isn’t much to the actual storyline. It reads as if a horny 13 year old girl was trying to write Twilight fanfic after watching 50 shades of grey. The sex scenes could’ve been passable if it hadn’t been for the fact the author’s odd word choice pulling me out of the moment (no pun intended :)) WTH does “my sex” mean?! Asking for a friend people.
So I guess with that being said it begs the question..... why are you then giving this horrible story a 3 star review? Well my friends it’s fairly simple answer actually. This story is so, so bad that it’s actually good/amusing. It’s like watching a train wreck happen and instead of getting up to leave like most people did I had to know what happened. Did the train finally crash and burn into the side of a mountain? Did it eventually fall off into a black hole entering another space time continuum? I’m not really sure what the hell happened, all that I know for sure is that I laughed and I cried..... just kidding, I just laughed.


1,480 reviews218 followers

February 11, 2022

1 Star

What an awful book 🙈🙈
Zero world building, no real personality for the characters or relationships between the characters. It is all so basic!
The storyline is pretty bad and needs a lot of work although there are a few bits of imagination that were good but by no means enough to make up for this car crash of a book!
I definitely won't be continuing this series or reading anything else by this author.

Maritza De Oliveira-Almeida

1 review

Want to read

May 9, 2021

Is this series available anywhere else than the Galactea app?

Donna Craig

1,007 reviews37 followers

January 19, 2022

DNF. Just too stupid.


56 reviews1 follower

June 28, 2021

The first book wasnt written well at all. There were tons of grammatical errors it was hard to read, but I was interested in where the story would go, so I kept on. But I can tell you I've officially given up.
The fact that it's on the galatea app, is frustrating. The background music is unnecessary, you can only read one chapter a day, or pay double that the book is worth in point to read more. Why not just get your book actually published?
It would also be nice if it was removed from ads for other apps like inkitt, so people dont download the app to be disappointedsappointed when they realized that it has gone to galatea too.

Trista Vandermark

3 reviews

December 28, 2021

I finished the book cause I'm apparently a glutton for punishment. It started out really good and I was really enjoying it but the main female character soon drifted into having a hot/cold annoying attitude. She began acting like a defiant whiny child who supposedly wants to find her mate but when she does she's like a roller coaster ridiculousness. She begins to act like a spoiled little brat with a if I can't have it my way then I'll just throw a tantrum until I get my way attitude. It did not represent the so called shifter mate bond that is even talked about. Don't get me wrong I love a good book with a powerful female character but when that character starts acting like the only thing that matters is her sense of power, her feelings and what she wants instead of so many others she becomes extremely unlikable. It doesn't help that she doesn't consider approaching situations in any other way except in her spoiled brat manner way. It's also annoying that she is always running away from situatuons when it doesn't go her way instead of attempting to act like an adult a little bit and staying to deal with the situation. Sometimes it honestly felt like the male lead was having to compromise with a child instead of his mate. Also the timelines were off in many places. One minute a character would be talking about what happened the night before and then three lines later it would say and 'a week has already passed.' Making no sense at all. Overall the book became more of a 'well this is just stupid' moments.

September Angel

185 reviews30 followers

March 19, 2021

I can’t even finish this I read some spoilers reviews and this doesn’t end well not at all along with the fact you have to wait hours to read this series in the app. I’m completely disappointed with the author of this story. My heart literally feels broken knowing how this story ends. People read fantasy to get away from the real world.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Aaryn Flott

273 reviews24 followers

October 10, 2021

I hate that you can only read this book on the Galatea app though, especially since the story is finished.

You literally have to pay for points in order to go to the next chapter, and since the book is over 200 chapters long, that’s a lot of freaking money.

So yeah no—probably won’t ever finish to be honest and I’m not invested enough to care to.

Lauh - Random Utopias

353 reviews67 followers

December 31, 2021

The writing is atrocious, the plot lacks organization, the characters are annoying as heck and it generally feels like a bad fanfiction. Do not recommend at all.

    2021 e-book


4 reviews

June 25, 2022

At its best, it is nothing more than formulastic wolf-mance where others have done better. At its worst, it is a guidebook for impressionable young women to be stupid AF and enable their own delusions and excuse their own weaknesses and ignorances. There is constant self-victimization because of the MC’s own decisions at the detriment and harm to other characters

The author is constantly asserting characteristics for the MC that she simply does not have. Actions speak louder than words and everything the MC does goes against what the author asserts for the character. It is beyond annoying. I am typically the type of person that has to finish a series or book until the end. There have only been a handful of books that were simply so bad or annoying that I just would not finish reading. I’m halfway through book 3 and I’m not sure I can continue with this dribble. I had hoped for some MC redemption but after almost 3 books, there has been very little growth or self-actualization. If anything she just gets worse. I don’t understand how this can be so “popular”.

The sexual content, if you can even call it that, was so cold and senseless that I found myself turned off and actually hoping it would end sooner. I found myself rolling my eyes at the authors’s writing, the characters’ dialogue and actions. That annoyance was a constant throughout the entire 3-ish books that I’ve been able to endure. I do not understand how others find this immature BS palatable to even make a movie. I guess Hollywood doesn’t care as long as it’s got some following and marketability which some fool has deemed “better than 50 shades”. I never read 50 shades but it must have been horrible.


1 review

September 21, 2021

Okkkkk let’s be real… this is not a good read. I am a book nerd, and I am critical. That being said, this series is alllll over the place. The plot is messy, there are gaping holes, and the characters are really hard to fall in love with. The theme is… anyone’s guess. I really wanted to love it because so many reviews hyped this up. I was ecstatic to give it a chance, but it fell and fell hard. It started out interesting enough, and then it just got messy! Maybe it has to do with it being written by a teen author & the complexities of adult relationships haven’t been rooted just yet, but this was not entertaining. On the positive, the author shows an immense amount of potential. In a few years, I would love to read something new by her!

Kae Dahl

1 review

November 1, 2021

If I could give this zero stars I would. I too was intrigued by the heavy push campaign around this novel and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I swear it’s like reading a story by a virgin teen of what they *think* an erotic novel should be, while they themselves have no experience. At the same time, the writing quality reads like a 6th grader. I *tried* to like it, I did. But I would literally read one or two pages and put my phone down laughing, it’s really written that poorly and the plot lines are predictable and characters are paper flat. So cringe. Don’t waste your time and definitely don’t waste your money. All the hype and advertising was paid for, don’t let it suck you in :/

Jenn Reads

86 reviews17 followers

May 7, 2023

How I got sucked into this first book, I don't know.
Sometimes you just need some shifter spice.
In the end, that price tag isn't worth continuing on in this series for me.


1 review

November 8, 2021

Where to start? The series begins with an intriguing premise with quirky, likeable characters, but it goes downhill from there. I really wanted to like this story, but the post-teenage adolescent Sienna is exhausting with mood swings that give the reader a sense of perpetual whiplash, and she can't understand why everyone won't just get on HER page (because, of course, the world should revolve around her). It's frustrating that she started off so well as a character and became steadily less likeable as the series wears on. I frequently found myself wondering if the author was TRYING to make readers dislike her (if so, mission accomplished). Ultimately, she comes across as a clueless woman-child with a terrible work ethic and a staggering capacity for self-absorption, who can't understand why people take a disliking to her.

Aiden is more sympathetic as a character, though he has a tendency to go from baffling idiocy, to idyllic husband and back to baffling idiot from one "chapter" to the next (chapter is a relative term, as each chapter is about 1-2 pages of a real book). His personal issues would've been more interesting if they weren't so tissue thin. It made what could've been a compelling character a merely likeable one instead. At times, it felt like he was just inserted into the story to be the steamy sex object rather than the badass east coast alpha.

The story was interesting, but contained lots of transparently inserted plot devices to keep it moving and create drama without actually building an epic fantasy world. The arrival of Aiden's parents was a perfect example. The episode felt contrived, with the parents showing up out of nowhere and being a nearly satirical example of the contemptable, disapproving in-laws. After the in-laws are gone, the drama immediately disappears in a haze of steamy sex that puts the mated unit magically back together again.

My conclusion: with a little (okay, a lot) more seasoning, this author shows real promise. A good editor, and a few quality pre-readers would help her tighten up her stories and minimize the Mack truck sized plot holes, as well as inform the author when her characters are losing charisma. No matter how experienced they are, EVERY good author needs, and uses those individuals insights.


15 reviews

August 21, 2022

I wouldn’t label this as an erotic werewolf fantasy. I would just call it a werewolf fantasy that has romance and sex as part of the storytelling. There’s nothing really in the way of eroticism here. Yes, some characters have sex and it’s described (in a rudimentary way), but this isn’t an erotic tale or adventure. I think putting it that category is a mistake because this is really a fantasy with somewhat okay world building and character development. Maybe the author doesn’t understand what erotica is, which is a shame because I think this could have been a much better book and reached a wider audience.

I find the character Sienna to be annoying. Almost annoying as Bella in Twilight (Disclaimer: I only watched the movies), but I can actually stomach Sienna a lot better. There’s a level of maturity in female characters that are a requirement for me, especially if you’re attempting to make this erotic (and this is not). I wish the plot would move on the actual problems the characters are facing and trying to solve and not simply the result of their bumbling ineptitude at communication. I wish she had been a few years older and not 19. 25 years old with a bit more maturity would have been perfect.

I like the “interactive” immersive approach. It’s an interesting way to read a book. Normally I’d prefer a paper book, but reading this on Galatea with music and background sounds is pretty cool. Helps my imagination create the world the author has built in my mind’s eye.

I gave this 3 stars because I saw the potential. It’s a train wreck, but I’ve enjoyed reading what happens next. It’s not well written, but there are a lot of movies out there with bad writing and I’m still entertained. The point again is that I see the potential. The interactive approach on Galatea helps to weed out some of the glaring annoyances and immaturity.

As far as Galatea, I opted to pay the $65 for unlimited reading. I came to the conclusion after I read so much that $65 is like buying 3-5 books at a bookstore. A steal really when I’m trying to enjoy mindless entertainment and break from my normal. You don’t have to pay of course, and I’m not recommending that route, just giving a full disclosure.


92 reviews8 followers

November 10, 2021

Is this really supposed to be a love story? I read the first 18 chapters and I just couldn't read more... it's so triggering.
I dont care if the male protagonist is supposed to be a werewolf, an Alpha or the President of Earth : he is a RAPIST. From the start his behaviour is sickening and plain TOXIC. He is mygonistic, controlling and VIOLENT.
It's ONLY when the female main protagonist has her period that he stops from pressuring her to sex. Because you know...blood is gross for boys. Like really?
Consent is litteraly ABSENT from this story.
I'm so done with those messed up romances about naive young adult girls and 25+ years old manipulative men who think they are the sh*t.

2,700 reviews108 followers

January 18, 2019

Nice quick read in one sitting, great characters and HEA, grammar etc needs work but since it’s self published on inkitt I’m not going to criticise too much, but nice story.


144 reviews39 followers

January 18, 2022

this book is my villain origin story.

i just— [soul departs body]

    2022 blegh
The Millennium Wolves (The Millennium Wolves, #1) (2024)
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Article information

Author: Melvina Ondricka

Last Updated:

Views: 5881

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.