O Captain! My Captain! - kashimutt (2024)

He finally had her exactly where he wanted her, the girl curled up in his bedroll, in his tent, in his arms. It had taken months to get here and as much as he wanted to take her, ravage her, show her no mercy from the moment he had laid eyes on her, he enjoyed the long game. Something about making the girl trust him, making her seek out his praises, his reassurance, his approval, his stolen glances and hidden touches made his co*ck twitch. He had spent many sunrises and sunsets with the girl, maintaining a reasonable distance, imparting knowledge, offering comfort and satiating her fears about her inability. He made sure to become a pillar of consistency, of comfort in her life.

After a while, Sakura began to let him in, to lower her defenses. She let her facade of the perfect student, the perfect daughter fall and she let him see her for what she was even at her lowest. Kakashi recalled seeing her fall apart just a few months prior, sobbing on the roof of Tazuna’s home, tears glistening in her eyes, her beautiful face illuminated by the moonlight, and crestfallen expression far more distracting than any landscape The Land of Waves had to offer. In that moment he took her into his arms, he savoured the way her small, warm frame slotted into his arms, how she shook against his chest. And there they stood, while he stroked her hair as she weeped, blubbering something out about a child's devotion to their master. All the man could offer was his softened truths and reassurances. Promising Sakura that although this was an unfortunate reality, the demons that come from the underworld of the shinobi life, that he would always be there, that he would give his life before he allowed harm to come to another Konoha kunoichi. He had made many more hushed promises under the moonlight, eventually feeling the way her breathing slowed and begun to regulate. He had held her, for so long, it had felt like the most electric yet natural thing to him. After that moment, Kakashi had even more trouble keeping a respectable distance from her. It felt like he accompanied her everywhere she went when the team was inside the walls of the village, even for the most trivial of reasons. More than once stating he also needed to pick up some sweets when Sakura had tried telling him that's where she was headed despite the fact, the fact that his toned, hale body displayed, he notoriously detested sweets.

Yet she never once pushed him away, she let him in on all her grievances. Even once commenting she appreciated speaking with a man, someone who was mature about her struggles rather than someone foolish like Ino-pig. When she was having doubts about her abilities as a kunoichi, he was there forcing her to push herself harder and to apply herself more. When she got lazy, citing her reason as never being able to live up to her two teammates with legendary legacies being an ordinary civilian girl after all, Kakashi was there to get her up off her ass, to bark at her that legacies didn’t come out of nowhere and rather than complaining she should get up and do something about it. Making it clear to her that he accepted a lot of things as a captain but helplessness and laziness were not one of them. And at the times where she came to him, incredibly timid, without her fiery magnetism, she divulged her insecurities. Denoting that she felt undesirable compared to her female peers, she didn’t catch the attention of any boys. Her expression to his response took root in his mind and remained there ever since.

“Maa, Sakura-chan isn’t the attention of a man better?” Big, sage green eyes widening, meeting his lone eye, crinkled in a playful manner. Kakashi gave her no time to speak as he took her hand, “That's besides the point though, don't count yourself out yet, you're the most beautiful kunoichi in all of the Five Great Nations.” He took her hand and pressed the smallest of kisses to it, the gorgeous flitter of eyelashes and rosy dust of blush across the bridge of her nose always a welcomed remembrance in his mind.

Eventually he no longer sought her out, he had no need to, she was everywhere he turned, seeking his opinions, his guidance, his comfort. She was one of the few who sought every part of him, she had always had an unnaturally large curiosity for all, that included every piece of himself he scattered around into the abyss that is his mind and then locked away. Not only did she want to learn from him but she wanted to learn about him. She sought him in private, in the shadows and asked him to hold her, to give himself to her, and slowly he did. In the beginning, he stuck to the surface, silly inconveniences and minor issues, and she would try her best to comfort him. He often felt silly, being this big adult, having this girl listen to him whine as she wrapped her small body around his trying to console him. But most of the time, he was too busy noting how she often mirrored his behaviours when she took care of him.

And in time, he allowed himself to take the leap, to reach deep within and draw out his worst and then push even further by verbalizing it. Over many nights did he divulge information to the girl, the loss of his comrades, the loss of his father, the horrors of ANBU, the demons that lurked in the shadows on Konoha, the amount of blood on his hands, the amount of families he ripped apart, the weight of war that practically anchored his being to the lowest depths, time and time again relying on the girls small hands carding themselves through his hair to ground him to the world again. Feeling himself slipping away to those depths, being entirely consumed with grief, mind lost and blurry to the searing pain, for the umpteenth time. In those moments where he allowed himself to relive his worst, to let his real mask down, it was so easy to slip away, to become a shell. Yet her tiny, little hands and thin fingers ignited sparks throughout his entire being, reaching every nerve ending he had reminding him that he was human. That he was susceptible to the feminine, kind, doting touch of a budding matron. Reminding him that despite it all, she still sought him out, she watched the ruddy liquid drip from his lithe hands, and she still came to him and asked him to show her compassion using those hands.

Broken away from his thoughts as the body next to him stirred, and then stirred again, and again. She stilled for a moment before wiggling again.

“Are you squished in here Sakura-chan?”

“Not at all.”

“What’s wrong then?”

“Nothing.” She pushed herself into his body even closer if that was possible inside the bedroll, nuzzling the top of her head back into the crook of his arm as if she was proceeding to sleep.

And just as if nothing happened, she resumed pushing her body back into his, wiggling and stirring. Making rest in his tiny bedroll even more impossible.

“Do you want to go back to your bedroll Sakura?” He sighed.

“No, sensei!”

“Then you cannot keep distracting me while we are on a mission.” He spoke as if his words were final yet Sakura always had a retort.

“Why? Is something wrong sensei? ” The frisk behind her smile and words just barely slipped out as she talked back, clearly challenging him. And for every retort Sakura brought, Kakashi had a counter. Bringing down his other hand to grip her waist, pushing his semi into her backside. The girl’s heart beat well-nigh took off as she felt her teacher's groin pressed up against her.

“See this Sakura-chan?” He buzzed in a low rumble, “This is what you do to me. Your sensei is a pervert, but I can’t help it, not when you insist on grinding against me.” He started moving, just ever so slightly, enough to provide his dick with some stimulation, rubbing it along the curve of her ass. “So that is why we listen to our captain’s orders, or else he’ll f*ck them into you.”

Sakura was at a crossroads, mainly tied to the fear she felt. Kakashi was the most trusted man in her life, she bestowed him her life on every mission, she gave him her utmost faith and trust as a subordinate and as a person and in return Kakashi gave her all of his innermost demons and allowed her to tend to him. The bond she had with him ran deeper than any other man in her life, including her father and even that thought scared Sakura. But beyond that, Sakura had never seen her teacher like this before. He had always spoken with order and finality, that much came with being a jonin, but he had never done it in such a way before. Not to her at least. Sakura was a pure girl, she had planned on being one for much longer if she was honest, was she going to give that up for Kakashi? Was she ready to do something like this at all? Would he find her immature if she wasn’t ready to have sex yet?

Kakashi was too far gone, her body already feeling way too good under him. His hand slipping from her waist down to her womb, resting patiently.

“Can I touch you Sakura-chan?” Words let out just above a whisper, yet they set her whole body ablaze, she needed him to touch her, to make her feel good. Something about his proximity was so intoxicating, she felt the butterflies building up in her core, fluttering around and making her breathless. She was ready.

“Please, sensei.”

He slipped his hand even further down, pushing up her skirt so he could rub her over her shorts. He started slowly, easing her into his touch, not wanting to overwhelm the poor girl. He delicately traced around her labia, teasing the fat, bouncy skin below her shorts. Then he brought his thumb over her cl*t, cupping the rest of his digits over her puffy mound. He slowly brushed back and forth over her cl*t, hearing the way her breath hitched at every pass. Eventually speeding up just so he could hear the way she began to pant at the simplest of touches.

“More- Kami- Please!” Kakashi was a simple man, her moans were ecstasy for his soul, and it was so easy to give into her pleas. He slowed his pace but applied more force as he played with the bundle of nerves. As she began to quietly mewl he stopped his brushing movements, opting to rub circles instead she began to grind into his hand and almost immediately he drew his hand away.

“So eager, Sakura-chan?” He taunted, shaking his head, “Are you sure about this?”

He was teasing her, but beyond that his voice carried a lilt of something else. Something almost ravening. That fear building inside of her again, maybe it was linked to something deeper somehow, some profound existential apprehension of the unknown, yet in these moments of sexual tension with her sensei, when something overcomes him and he becomes unrecognizable, should she allow her to push through her many fears? Allow herself to see this layer of her sensei she once thought was so forbidden, so illegal? She couldn’t deny the fact that she had thought about him sexually before, they spent a lot of time together, moreover he was an attractive man, regardless of what anyone had to say. She had always wondered what it would be like to be with him, what kind of lover he was…

Kakashi had remained an evasive mystery for a while. He never let on a thing to the team and if he did let on something, it was purposeful, he was calculated. It was only after the mission in the Land of Waves that Kakashi became less elusive and began showing up more. And it was far beyond that time that he allowed Sakura beyond his many masks.

“Don’t stop. Please.”

He reached over her, grabbing the zipper of the sleeping roll, unzipping it and flipping it open. Maneuvering himself out of the roll and above her. Curling his fingers around the waistband of her skirt as he waited for an indication to proceed. As he got one, he pulled them down alongside her panties, taking in the sight of her puss*. Already lightly glistening with slick from his light touches, a tiny wet spot on her already discarded, rosy pink underwear. He pulled up his hitai-ate with one hand and brought the index of his other to her labia, tracing it again and feeling how differently she responded to his touches there now. Prior, she waited in still anticipation as he avoided her bundle of nerves, now that he had touched her there, her body twitched in response under his finger without him hitting a single pleasure point. She truly flinched as he used that same finger to finally brush over her hole, spreading her slick all throughout her folds and over his finger. Bringing his thumb back over her cl*t, rubbing it as she felt another sensation. Before she could think otherwise, he was slowly pushing his index finger into her. Once at the hilt, slowly massaging it in and out. Kakashi was trying his hardest to ease the girl into the stimulation, yet he couldn’t take all night if he was serious about this. There was so much hindering them currently, mainly being on a mission currently. They had to get an early start and as much as he would love to spend the entire night f*cking Sakura, teaching her how to feel good, how to become a woman, he didn’t have the time to. He could feel her growing wetter under his precise touch.

“How about another finger, hm?” He almost let out a laugh at how wide the eyes below him grew at his query. He withdrew his finger, now using two of them to spread the slick from her folds across them. Thumbing her cl*t once again as he eased the digits inside of her. He felt the way she tightened around him, letting out some rapid, uneven breaths as she took two to the hilt. He slowly withdrew them, curling them ever so slightly as he pushed them back in, languid strokes as she mewled at the pleasure.

“It’s so much sensei!” All she could see was mismatched eyes crinkling at her as he increased his speed, alternating from curled fingers to scissoring them in and out, opening her up completely. On a particular thrust, it felt as if he was searching for something, shallowly thrusting his curled fingers around. She was already getting lost in the feeling of his fingers being all inside her being, in every corner of her body, when a jolt of pleasure, unlike any other shot straight to her brain.

“Senseeei!” She yelped out, trying to catch her breath.

Before she could even manage to do so, his hand shot up over her mouth.

“Hush, Sakura,” He whispered, continuing to stimulate her cl*t and f*ck her wide open, making a show of just barely brushing past that special spot, over and over and over again, “We wouldn’t want to alert anyone to us would we?”

He kept her trapped under his hand as he rewarded her, speeding up his movements as he curled his fingers just perfectly to hit that spot again, thrusting his hand back into her tirelessly. The girl under him began thrashing, hitting him and trying to push him off. He slowed his movements to a halt as he removed the hand from her mouth.

She propped herself up on her elbows as she panted, trying to regain some of the air he knocked out of her, “Sensei, we have to stop please…” She looked dejected and embarrassed as she pleaded, casting her eyes down as she continued, “I- I- almost peed.”

He brought his free hand to her face, cupping her cheek as he forced her to look into his eyes. “Oh, is that all baby?”

He shifted his hand, resuming into slow thrusts. He watched as her thin brows shot up in surprise. “Lay back, I promise it'll be okay. When you start feeling like that again, just let go. Don't fight it.”

He spoke with so much authority and assurance, all she could do was sit back and nod, already becoming lost to the pleasure of his fingers inside of her. He quickened his pace, curving his fingers into her as he brought her right bad up to that dangerous line. As much trust as Sakura had in Kakashi, she could not bring herself to do something like pee on his hand!

He used his other hand to explore her body as he thrusted his hand into her. He groped her curves and dragged his hand under the hem of her shirt, eventually bringing them up to brush over her bra. She was unlucky in the chest department, not having any use for bindings, she barely had a use for a training bra. He pulled the small cup of her bra to the side, lightly brushing the bud until it sprung up. He twisted the tiny, pink buds on her chest until he got frustrated and ripped off the fabric, her shirt that was blocking his movement using one hand. His movements got more aggressive, he pushed his curved fingers inside her with more force, he drew faster circles around her cl*t, and he brought her even closer. Sakura was becoming fuzzy, her teachers hands were all over her and every touch burned hotter than a thousand suns.

He pulled her training bra up and Sakura, who was so far gone, felt something cold nipping at her right nipple. Only then did she notice Kakashi was truly bearing himself to her. His mask pulled down so that he could take her slight chest into his mouth, so that he could finally taste her. Kakashi pulled back, not faltering in his movements and using his hand to resume the stimulation Sakura had lost on her nipple. He tried to take a second to read her and when all he saw was adoration cast over her features, he let out a smile towards her. All it took was seeing his mouth curl up, looking at her the way he did, for her to get lost, to become undone. She whimpered and panted as she came all over his fingers. He slowly guided her through her org*sm and when she was done shaking under him, he cupped her face once again. He closed the distance between them quickly, bringing her into a deep, warm, reassuring kiss.

Good girl, Sakura-chan,” He mused as he pulled back from the kiss, leaving the young girl absolutely starstruck. His normal praises sent her into a frenzy, it fed her soul like it was getting the exact validation she sought, let alone one like that, “That was the female org*sm.”

Sakura flushed in embarrassment at her mistake, the feeling only sinking in deeper at the way Kakashi talked down to her, explaining what had happened to her like she was a stupid little girl. He stroked her cheek as he maneuvered his uniform and boxers down.

He spoke breathlessly as he loomed over her, using his free hand to tug down on his balls. “Now you're gonna sit there and take it quietly like a good girl, right?” The only response he got was dazed eyes locking with his and nodding desperately.

The man broke out into a grin as he spat on his hand, stroked himself and lined himself up with her entrance, “Are you ready Sakura-chan?” She practically scoffed, even like this Kakashi could find a way to push her buttons, to be condescending. The ire flaming in her chest as she relocked eyes with him, he already had her this far and the constant teasing was driving her insane.

“Just shut up Sensei! I can take it.”

Sakura took a deep breath, feeling a mix of desperation and nervousness coursing through her veins as she tried to calm herself. This moment was supposedly extremely important, she was giving away her innocence, making a transition into womanhood. Everything said she was ready for this from her biology to society, yet now that this time was finally here, she couldn't help but feel more than a little intimidated .

The man looked into her eyes, sensing her apprehension, and gave her a reassuring smile and a wink. He slowly began to ease himself inside, and Sakura instantly felt the stretch. The tip barely breaching her, but it was big, daunting even, it knocked the breath from her lungs. She was trying to silently gasp and let her body fall tense, instinctively trying to protect itself from this new and unfamiliar sensation. Her sensei’s hands had felt so large, they were large; Nevermind his penis. He paused, pulling back slightly, he gave her that look, The look he always gives her before he intentionally pushes her buttons.

He began slowly moving once again, “What’s wrong Sakura? Can’t take it?” Words spoken in a weird cross of a rumble and a coo. Kakashi’s words ate her alive, it burned into every crevice of her being. The way he spoke so sweetly, so softly. His feigned concern as he used the pure sugariness of his voice to dull the force inside of her. He dusted her face with soft kisses all around as he continued, trying to push into her in one elongated stroke, before adding any more sensations.

When he finally reached her hilt, he pulled back and began panting out stuttered breaths. Kakashi had to gain a handle and needed to do it soon. He was being overwhelmed by so many feelings, his body begging him to blow at that moment. He had spent months building something with Sakura, wanting her. And now she was actually here, under him, writhing after just the tip after acting so confident, so defiant.

As he drew his hips back and pushed them back into her once again, she could feel every inch of him filling her up. Overwhelmed by the sensation, but she tried to welcome it, wanting to feel every moment of their union. He moved with deliberate slowness, giving her body time to adjust to his size and thrust. She wrapped her legs around him, weakly trying to pull him deeper inside of her, and he groaned at the attempt. He drew his hips back at a faster pace now, slowly working the girl open. As much as her wanted to f*ck her into the ground, he wasnt even sure he physically could. Sakura had more allure than she knew, but f*ck if it wasnt her walls that were drawing him in right now. Making sure she had org*smed at least once before they had sex, she was just getting increasingly more slick. He knew the logistics of their bodies, of their developments was going to make this painful for her and he wanted to make sure it wasn't horrible. The way her c*nt felt around him, warm, velvety walls, squeezing him oh-so tight every time he pushed himself in, the girl’s writhing under him only serving to egg him on.

“Nghh sensei, it’s soo much.” The girl's eyes were basically glossed over at this point, clearly taking well to all the new sensations.

Every thrust of Kakashi’s was pushing her into womanhood. He loved the way her girlish body embodied muliebrity in the best ways, curves enduringly filling out, a ready womb, finally at the point where she could take his seed and make life with it. Kakashi knew from the moment she started menstruating, he could smell it off of her from a mile away. Let alone the fact it began while on a mission with Team 7; She spent the rest of the duration of the mission breaking into a blush whenever he looked at her and only speaking when addressed after Kakashi quietly slipped her some pads when she ran off to the bathroom. The pads were a suggestion from Kurenai, upon getting the names of his genin, she suggested that if he was going to take on a kunoichi, menstrual products were a must have to carry on missions. She had actually suggested tampons, citing that pads restrict a kunoichi’s movements, but God forbid Kakashi let something enter his girl besides him, before him.

“f*ck, Sakura-chan, I shouldn’t be doing this to you,” He snarled out, basking in how he was the one who had made her look so f*cked out, “You’re so young, so tiny, I’m gonna f*cking break you.”

As he continued to impale the girl on his dick, she began to feel a pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt before. It felt better than gaining her teachers' praises or acing yet another test. It was a deep, intense feeling that seemed to radiate throughout her entire body. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, wanting to feel more of him, wanting to feel him deeper. Kakashi let out a grunt and responded by increasing his pace, he could barely take a look at Sakura. Her tiny, squirming body under him, tears threatening to spill over with a co*ckdrunk look slapped across her face. She was going to be the death of him.

“Pleasepleaseplease- give it to me sensei,” She mewled out from under him, wrapping her arms around his back, digging her nails into his skin as she pulled him infinitely closer to her, “I can feel you in my tummy! You’re so big! You’re so deep! You make me so full!”

Sakura’s words sent him into a frenzy, they made his co*ck twitch. How did a girl who didn’t even know what her org*sm was know how to talk like that? To lay there and get him off like that? He could feel the elastic in his stomach wobbling, he was going to ravage her.

Sakura’s cheeks squished as he gripped her face aggressively, “You’re so f*cking dirty, Sakura.” He kissed her goofy looking, force puckered lips sloppily. Speeding up his thrusts and throwing all caution to the wind, allowing his hips to meet her round ass in loud claps as he f*cked her. He didn’t care who heard anymore, he was f*cking his girl, making her a woman, he had prepared her for this, he had earned this.

“Since you like being full so much, what if I f*cked my baby into you?” He had her hands pinned above her head, looking down on her as he rutted, and rutted, and rutted deeper into her, “Make you carry my heir? Make you walk around with the evidence of being your teacher’s co*ckslu*t for 9 months?”

Sakura was dizzy, the way he spoke to her, the way he f*cked into her with everything he had. The way he looked at her with his serious face and perverse eyes as he used her, as he told her even more perverse things. Things that made her twitch and squirm. Things that made her want.

“Nghh please sensei! Please make me fuller!” She started shifting her hips, f*cking herself trying to meet his strokes, “I need it! I need it! I need it so bad!”

The man let out a low groan as he kept up his pace, strokes slowly becoming more erratic. He brought his spare hand down to rub her cl*t. Kakashi reached every inch of her walls, now also sending her consistent jolts of pleasure through her cl*t and she could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge. She had heard about the phenomenon of 'losing oneself' during intimate moments like this, but she had never truly understood what it meant until now. All she could think about was how badly she needed him, how badly she needed him to release inside of her, to take that step with her. The man that she admired so deeply, that she had chased and desired for so long, wanted to make her a mother. The bliss Kakashi was giving her coming in waves that vibrated throughout her entire being.

“Ahhh- I- I’m going to org*sm!” She squirmed under him, letting her head fall back, clearly becoming dizzy to pleasure again.

“That’s alright, come for your captain Sakura-chan.” He cooed over her as he pressed a kiss into the apple of her cheek.

As Sakura reached her climax, she yelped out in pleasure, body jolting against him as he kept thrusting. Kakashi felt the way her walls fluttered around him as she came and his own org*sm washed over him. Having waited so long to have Sakura lead to his org*sm being wound so tightly, that when that band in his stomach finally snapped, he could feel how hard his balls were emptying and how hard his co*ck was pumping his load into her. Into Sakura… his student…. a girl… A girl who’s womb and walls accepted him so readily, so hungrily . He let out a few more stuttered thrusts, coating her walls with his spend and trying to ease them both through their climaxes.

Sakura felt like she was floating away on a cloud. Everything about this encounter was a moment of pure ecstasy, one that she would never forget for as long as she lived. Kakashi didn’t move from inside her, instead releasing her hands and pulling her up into an awkward hug. He snaked one arm around her ass, she jumped as he pushed her deeper onto his co*ck as he flipped them. His one hand remained on her ass as he reached around to grab the bedroll to cover them up.

“Just stay here okay, I’ll keep you full.” He spoke softly, voice carrying that intrinsic tease and bit back the laugh that tried to pry it way out at the embarrassed and shocked, blushing girl below him.

O Captain! My Captain! - kashimutt (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.