Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (2024)

Spell changes are a pretty common topic all across the Wizard101 PvP community. There is always a lot of debate about which spells should be buffed and which ones should be nerfed. With Kingsisle hinting about a complete PvP rework , I’ll try to share an opinion about the following three spells that are among the most problematic in the current PvP meta:

  • Loremaster
  • Burning Rampage
  • Guardian Spirit

You’ve probably noticed the polls on our official twitter account. I was curious as to what people thought about the initial ideas before I dug into the details. Although results were mixed, I’m still standing behind my original ideas. Eric already shared his thoughts about spell changes, but today we’ll focus on the three most problematic ones.

Since this article, these spells have been updated.

Let’s start with a little theory

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (1)I’ll try to be short here, because I’m quite aware the theory isn’t always a popular subject. However, it’s a base for understanding the thoughts behind the changes. It’s also a solid starting point for you to learn as much as you can when it comes to rebalancing.

An idea might be great for a spell itself, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good for the game on a macro level. The first thing you need to watch out for is to not over-nerf spells: AKA making them useless. This might be fine for game balance, but it’s not the right way to adress the problems.

Next, one must pay attention to all levels. A certain change might solve a problem at max levels, but it might not do much at mid ones for example. Then, there are also the effects on other spells from the same school. Making a slight adjustment could cause other spells to become obsolete.

Maybe I’m still missing some key points, or maybe i’m overthinking the situation a bit. But I’m trying to give a complete picture to spell changes by looking at the situation from all angles and not just one.

Loremaster Changes

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (2)

  • Original Spell
  • Proposed Change

Original Spell

  • Damage: 390-470
  • Effects: -20% damage, -35% accuracy to opponent

Proposed Change

  • Damage: 400-440
  • Effects: -25% damage to opponent

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (3)Let’s start with the the first proposed spell change – Loremaster. Yes, I was completely aware that this would turn into Luminous Weaver on steroids. There’s nothing wrong with this, since there are already a lot of other duplicates among Lore spells. Getting rid of mantle was an easy decision, since 2 after effects are still too strong for this game. You can somewhat handle them at max level PvP, but they’re really problematic at low and mid levels, especially when they’re on a spell that is easily spammable.

This brings us to our next point: Why not simply make it 5 pips? That’s where looking at the issue from all angles comes into play. Firstly, it wouldn’t solve the “being spamable” issue. One nice example is using it with Shadow Trickster. 5 pips is still somewhat in spammable range. Keep in mind, that Loremaster is available to all levels, so Legendary Balance wizards could still cast it 3 times in a row, which is pretty devastating at that level.

Next reason why it would be better to nerf damage+effects and keep it at 4 pips is other lore spells. With this change, balance wizards have nice and useful diversity in lore spells instead of making them predominantly cost 5 pips. On top of that, neither of these are too overpowered:

  1. Loremaster: 4 pips with decent damage + after effect
  2. Ninja Piglets: 4 pips with higher damage
  3. Savage Paw: 5 pips with higher damage + after effect

Without this change, there isn’t a good reason to use anything other then Loremaster. This would remain exactly the same if the only change to spell was 4 -> 5 pips. Piglets would merely become a situational finisher but that’s about it.

Guardian Spirit Changes

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (4)

This one was a bit harder to balance, since the impact of this spell can make a difference between a 30 minute or a 5 hour fight. In addition, if you try to keep it relevant (by not nerfing it into the ground), it makes your job a little bit harder.

  • Original Spell
  • Proposed Change

Original Spell

  • Value: 15% (+ external stats) regain after death

Proposed Change

  • Value: 40% flat (without any external stats) regain after death
  • Effects:Amount decreases by 10% for each consecuitive revive (incoming, not outgoing – for team matches), stoping at 10%

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (5)It looks like that this idea was perceived really well, except that 40% is bit too high in my opinion. But as much as I hate angels myself, we still need to allow this spell to be used as a strategy. The big problem lies in lower levels where the amount of total health isn’t really high. For example, making it 40% instead of 30% would make the spell much worse for grandmaster wizards.

40% is enough to give the receiving player some room to bounce back into a fight, while progressively making it harder for each next cast on the target. On the other hand, 40% is a manageable amount of health to deal with and chunk down, should you choose the correct approach.

Another thing mentioned in the poll’s comments was limiting the spell to being cast 1x per match. Which is a nice idea and could work if it was implemented properly – as it was mentioned. This means limiting the spell to one cast per match and not just slapping 1x mark on the card (which would only allow each copy to be cast once).

Burning Rampage Changes

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (6)

I had the hardest time deciding changes for this spell. This one is screaming, “I need to be nerfed!”, but it’s still quite hard to come up with a balanced option. A big part of that lies in the original design, which is basically a delayed double hit (a fairly unique concept).

  • Original Spell
  • Proposed Change

Original Spell

  • Damage:70+700 2 rounds later

Proposed Change

  • Damage: 500+270 3 rounds later

Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (7)Let’s start with duration before moving to the damage values. Changing from “after 2” to “after 3” rounds was made with the assumption that the core mechanic won’t change. The problem with this right now is that game deals damage 2 ticks later rather than 2 rounds later, which brings us to the first problem. If you start from 1st, you do the tick in the same round already. Meaning 2 tick when damage is dealt comes 1 round later. If the mechanic can be changed to actual rounds instead of ticks then the duration can stay as it is. Otherwise it should be increased to give an option to counter it when facing it from second.

The only concern addressing the spell changes for Burning Rampage was damage distribution. I made it heavily front loaded, while other suggestions used a more evenly distributed approach. I wouldn’t want to make it a back loaded hit, so the initial strike should represent at least 50% of the total damage. There is no doubt that even 40/60 would be a major nerf to Burning Rampage, but fire has simply way too many available tools to make this work.

On the other hand, a heavily front loaded hit would nerf the spell and force people to strategize and use it wisely. The mechanic would stay the same; only the purpose would change. Right now it’s purpose is pretty simple. Hit into whatever shields the enemy has and let the backload do the job by itself (perhaps backing it up with a Fire Beetle or similar spell the next round). Swaping up things would make players search for opportunities to hit. You would need to find the open hit for spike damage which would leave a small dot afterwards. This dot wouldn’t only deal some damage to the opponent, it’d also serve as shield prevention.

How would you address the Spell Changes?

  • Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (8)
  • Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (9)
  • Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (10)
  • Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (11)
  • Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (12)

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Changes for Problematic Wizard101 Spells - Final Bastion (2024)


What is the most powerful spell in wizard101? ›

One opponent Judgement PERIOD is the most effective spell considering damage potential and accuracy. More than one opponent Storm Lord. The strongest spell in the game is definately wild bolt.

What is the longest wizard101 spell? ›

Call of Khrulhu takes a full minute and twenty seconds to play out against an entire complement of four enemies.

What is the revive spell in wizard101? ›

The Revive spell lets you turn a plant that has died into a young plant of the same type. Plants can sometimes suffer from pests. Pests are annoying critters that will cause it to wilt and die if they are not dealt with. To get rid of pests, you will need to cast the appropriate pest fighting spell.

What does the pacify spell do in wizard101? ›

Re: Treasure Card Question - Calm, Soothe, Pacify, etc

Calm, Soothe and Pacify reduce how much Aggro a monster has towards you, making it more likely for them to attack someone else, while cards like Taunt increase a monster's Aggro, making them more likely to attack you.

What is the hardest hitting school in Wizard101? ›

Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.
  • Storm (478)
  • Fire (368)
  • Myth (365)
  • Ice (359)
  • Death (333)
  • Life (323)
  • Balance (292)

What is the unicorn spell in Wizard101? ›

Apart from treasure cards, unicorn is available to life wizards only, and is the reward for the class quest offered at level 7. It heals all group members for 275 health, but at a cost of 3 pips, making it rather inefficient unless at least three players in your group need a heal.

What is the strongest Wizard101? ›

  • Storm has the highest damage. They also get Tempest, which is the most useful AoE in the game as you can use it with any amount of pips. ...
  • Fire has the second highest damage, but it is mostly split into DoTs. DoTs take multiple rounds, and work very poorly with traps. ...
  • Death has the lowest damage of the three, barely.
Aug 6, 2023

When was Wizard101 most popular? ›

Reception. According to KingsIsle Entertainment's press releases, the game has experienced a steady growth in the number of accounts: 2 million in April 2009, 5 million in September 2009, 10 million players by June 2010, 15 million by January 2011, 20 million by July 2011, and 30 million by July 2013.

Who has the most hours in Wizard101? ›

Most Wizard101 Playtime Ladder (Worldwide)
#Steam IDPlaytime (H)
159 more rows

What is death weak to in wizard101? ›

death is weak to life. fire is weak to ice. ice is weak to fire.

What does berserk spell do in wizard101? ›

Berserk: What Berserk does, it increases your outgoing damage by 30%, so, in it like having a +30% blade on your for 4 rounds, but it increases all damage on you by +40% for 4 rounds, so it is like having a +40% hex trap on yourself that never goes away for 4 rounds.

What does the fist mean in wizard101? ›

Oct 01, 2022. Re: Symbols. Any elemental symbol with a fist means additional damage from spells of that elemental school. For example, the spell Deathblade shows a "+ 35% *fist icon* " above you when cast"

What is the elucidate spell in wizard101? ›

What is elucidate? Elucidate is an enchantment card that reduces the cost of a spell by two pips. So you can cast satyr for two pips, pixie for free, and or you can cast virulent plague (-45 damage) for one pip and I'd think you can cast legend or elemental blade for no pips since they just cost one pip.

What does the Longstrider spell do? ›

You touch a creature. The target's speed increases by 10 feet until the spell ends. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.

Most Underutilized Spells in Wizard101 - Final ...Final Bastion ›

Each class has its go-to spells. Storm has Tempest, Fire prefers Meteor Strike, while Life enjoys Satyr, and Death loves Scarecrow. But aren't there some sp...
best spells in the game are healing spells !! best damage spell? the wand fire stuff. they don't fizzle ! theres like a million correct answers to your ques...
The old spells like scarecrow leviathan and forest lord had a sense of coolness to them because they were mythical creatures associated with their school and it...

What is the most powerful spell in the wizarding world? ›

The most evil spell of them all – the Killing Curse. If you cast this on someone, and really mean it, you can callously and quickly kill them with a jet of green light. It was how Harry's parents were murdered.

What is the most powerful wizard 101 card? ›

The top 25 highest damage spells in Wizard101
  • Glowbug squall - 1120.
  • Tempest - 1120.
  • Celestial calendar - 1120.
  • King artorius (storm) - 1120.
  • Gaze of fate - 1100.
  • Scorching scimitars - 1092.
  • King artorius (myth) - 1070.
  • Witch's house call - 1062.
May 26, 2019

What is the best spell for a wizard? ›

  • 8 Mage Armor.
  • 7 Invisibility.
  • 6 Counterspell.
  • 5 Shield.
  • 4 Hypnotic Pattern.
  • 3 Fireball.
  • 2 Dispel Magic.
  • 1 Wall Of Force.
Aug 5, 2023

What is the highest damage card in Wizard101? ›

Earthquake then tempest. If we are actually talking 'strongest' in terms of damage per pip, then feint is the strongest. If cast with a six pip spell that does 500 damage (say Wraith), it will have a damage/pip of 350+.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.